

What are your greatest data challenges?

We’re all about helping you work more effectively with data

We offer a range of consultancy services and proprietary solutions that can help you to:

  • review how and why your organisation uses different types of data,

  • define your data needs and match them to practical strategies and solutions,

  • source the right data for your campaigns, and

  • enable you to work with your data responsibly to gain the best value, insight and results, both today and into the future.

While we make our services bespoke to your specific needs, you can explore some of our core solutions and partnerships here:


Q1: Looking for insight into an existing database?

 If you answer yes to the above, then let’s set up a chat about DonorTrends


Q3:  Seeking help with acquiring new donors?

If that’s a yes, we can help


Q2: Need a strategic data consultancy?

Find out more about how Suzanne can help you get more out of data and the insight it holds


Q4: Need to see all your supporter data in real time?

If this one’s for you, then let’s talk about Berry Thompson’s UniFida